achieve purpose

achieve purpose
добиться цели

Англо-русский дипломатический словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "achieve purpose" в других словарях:

  • purpose — pur|pose W3S1 [ˈpə:pəs US ˈpə:r ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1 2 purposes 3 4 on purpose 5¦(feeling)¦ 6 for all practical purposes 7 serve its purpose 8 defeat the purpose 9 to no purpose 10 to the purpose …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • purpose — pur|pose1 [ pɜrpəs ] noun *** 1. ) count the goal that someone wants to achieve, or that something is intended to achieve: I use my boat mainly for leisure purposes. purpose of: The purpose of this dictionary is to help students of English. the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • purpose */*/*/ — UK [ˈpɜː(r)pəs] / US [ˈpɜrpəs] noun Word forms purpose : singular purpose plural purposes 1) [countable] the aim that someone wants to achieve, or that something is intended to achieve I use my boat mainly for leisure purposes. purpose of: The… …   English dictionary

  • purpose — [[t]pɜ͟ː(r)pəs[/t]] ♦♦ purposes 1) N COUNT: with supp The purpose of something is the reason for which it is made or done. The purpose of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies... Various insurance schemes already exist for this… …   English dictionary

  • purpose — 1 noun 1 WHAT STH IS SUPPOSED TO DO (C) the thing that an event, process, or activity is supposed to achieve, or the job that something is supposed to do see reason 1 (+ of): The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new committee. | What is the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • purpose — n. 1) to accomplish, achieve, fulfill a purpose 2) to serve a purpose 3) to put smt, to a good purpose 4) for a purpose (it was done for a good purpose; we arranged the meeting for the purpose of preventing a strike) 5) (misc.) for all practical… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • purpose — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. intention, determination, resolution, resolve; end, aim, view. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Aim] Syn. intention, end, goal, mission, objective, object, idea, design, hope, resolve, meaning, view, scope,… …   English dictionary for students

  • purpose — noun 1 aim/function ADJECTIVE ▪ limited ▪ chief, main, primary, prime, principal ▪ true ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • achieve — a•chieve [[t]əˈtʃiv[/t]] v., a•chieved, a•chiev•ing. 1) to bring to a successful end; succeed in doing or accomplishing: The crackdown on speeders achieved its purpose[/ex] 2) to get or attain by effort: to achieve victory[/ex] 3) to accomplish… …   From formal English to slang

  • achieve — achievable, adj. achiever, n. /euh cheev /, v., achieved, achieving. v.t. 1. to bring to a successful end; carry through; accomplish: The police crackdown on speeders achieved its purpose. 2. to get or attain by effort; gain; obtain: to achieve… …   Universalium

  • achieve — verb VERB + ACHIEVE ▪ fail to ▪ The present law has failed to achieve its objectives. ▪ be able to ▪ try to ▪ be designed to ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

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